Now let us inspect the unknown segments between tiles where I suspect the index for the tiles. First, we extract all unknown parts:

dd of=un1.dat bs=1 count=316020
dd of=un2.dat bs=1 skip=10127037 count=2538456
dd of=un3.dat bs=1 skip=13522709 count=2672062
dd of=un4.dat bs=1 skip=644833451 count=460

Now let us visualise the first three segments (un1.dat, un2.dat, and un3.dat) as follows: we interpret each byte as a greyscale value in the range 0…255:

./src/ -c vis_bytes --out img/un1.png un1.dat

This creates an image 1024 pixels in width, so each line represents 1 Kilobyte.


We can see several segments with quite some regularities.

Skipping the first 16 bytes (which is likely the file header), and then interpreting each 4 bytes as unsigned integer (./src/ -c dump_ints un1.dat > un1_ints.tsv), this segment basically contains the byte offsets of the tiles: 316020, 328719, 351371, 384572, 405841, 446659, 483024, 525098, 566987, 619866, …

So the coordinates of the tiles must be stored somewhere else.


We can distinguish several segments.


We see two segments, each with a quite regular pattern. The regularity of the second segment is revealed already by hexdump:

0028c530  35 48 dd 1f 89 48 17 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 91 df  |5H...H....=.....|
0028c540  35 48 f2 0d 89 48 18 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 c3 e5  |5H...H....=.....|
0028c550  35 48 25 ec 88 48 19 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 21 13  |5H%..H....=...!.|
0028c560  36 48 ef bf 88 48 1a 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 e0 ff  |6H...H....=.....|
0028c570  35 48 c6 a4 88 48 1b 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 2e de  |5H...H....=.....|
0028c580  35 48 2a a4 88 48 1c 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 45 ad  |5H*..H....=...E.|
0028c590  35 48 51 a8 88 48 1d 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 fe b1  |5HQ..H....=.....|
0028c5a0  35 48 eb 9a 88 48 1e 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 00 ae cc  |5H...H....=.....|
0028c5b0  35 48 c3 8b 88 48 1f 01  cd cd 3d 02 00 80        |5H...H....=...|