To find the image tiles in and possibly decode them, we had a look at the decompiled lsd26dll.dll. My colleague Jan found the function CLsDecode::GetImageDataSize and figured out that the first lines

if (*arg1 == 0x43 && arg1[1] == 0x49 && arg1[2] == 0x53)
    if (arg1[3] != 0x33)
        return 0
    if (arg1[5] == 0x30)

are basically a check for the string “CIS3”. So the next thing we did was to search for that sequence in We found 27130 offsets ( -c offsets > offsets.tsv:

byte offset bytes from previous offset
316020 -
328719 12699
351371 22652
384572 33201
405841 21269
446659 40818
483024 36365
525098 42074
566987 41889
619866 52879

Plotting these looks as follows:

Not much to see, so let us restrict the vertical axis to the range [0:100000]:

Now we can clearly see some patterns, for example:

  1. some very low (constant?) values
  2. most values are between (roughly) 10k and 30k
  3. some vertical patterns